
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2005--11:04 p.m.

What a stressful week. Thursday morning I called work and the electric was on so we were back in business. I ate breakfast and then headed down the hall to the bathroom to start getting ready, that�s when we lost power. Luckily my clothes were ready and I had taken a shower the night before, so all I had to do is wash my face, brush my teeth, fix my hair (barrettes because of the lack of power) and get dressed. I managed that in the semidarkness and left. It wasn�t until I got to work that I started thinking about what I was going to do that night. It got down to 18 degrees and I didn�t know if the kids and I could stay warm enough (Hubby worked until Midnight and he can sleep through anything). Everyone I knew well enough to ask if I could sleep on their floor was without power also, mom, the in-laws, P and granny and I had already heard on the news that all of the motel rooms in town were full. Well shit. I called Hubby around 3 and he told me that the power had come back on a few minutes ago, whew what a relief. I felt bad for M because he lost power Tuesday evening and when I saw him on Friday he still didn�t have any. Oh I know I�d survive without power, but I might be half insane by the end. The in-laws are still without power, they�re supposed to have it back by Tuesday. I threw out everything in the fridge and freezer and we were going to buy more milk, butter etc but the news said to hold off on that because as the ice melts more branches will fall and it could knock the power out again. So we loaded up on peanut butter, bread, chips etc to tide us over. Man this sucks.

I�ve been stressing and my jaw has been clenched since Tuesday evening and I�m bitchy and just so tired. It�s like waiting for the other shoe to fall waiting and wondering if/when the power will go out. And I�ve been stress eating and I�m disgusted with myself because of it. I missed my Tuesday and Thursday class because they were cancelled, but they started back up today so I�m going tomorrow.

Hubby and I got pizza (which I totally pigged out on, plus I had Junior Mints!) and watched Before Sunset. I really liked Before Sunrise and this movie was very similar, but I didn�t connect with it like the first one. It was okay though. They showed some flashbacks to the first movie, which was filmed 9 years ago, and I just have to say that whatever diet Ethan Hawke is on is making him look like an AIDS patient. He�s way too thin and the skin on his face is like stretched over his bones, ick. I realize he�s getting older, but damn E eat a sandwich.

As sad as it is I�m tired (what else is new?) so I�m headed to bed. Yeah, another rowdy Saturday night. I�m so glad this week is almost over.

Reading: Lucky by Alice Sebold
Listening To: Whatever Hubby�s watching in the other room

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