
Monday, Jan. 03, 2005--8:22 p.m.

I have GOT to get in the shower and get ready for bed as I have imposed a 4am rise time so that I can be to work by 5 (hey, I made it by 5:15 today!). But I just had to tell you this. Let me start off by saying that the neighbors next door sometimes dogsit this huge Rottweiler and they let him poop in the backyard and they never pick it up. I have learned to time my visits through the back yard either after a hard rain or after the dog�s absence of at least 2 weeks. But this morning I was in a hurry and it was dark out, so I took the shortcut through the backyard to the garage. After work I swung by and got Hubby and we headed to see our friend Dr N who�s a chiropractor, Hubby�s back hurt and my sinuses are acting up again. So I go into his office and he has me lay on the table and he does a nice pop on my earlobes (man that releases the pressure!) and he also popped (okay, adjusted) my back and neck. It felt wonderful. We then go into another room where I lay down on my side on the table and he moves some powerful heat lamp thingy next to my sinuses (he called it dry therapy), when it dings I turn to the other side and repeat. His assistant came in and I got up and as I got off of the table I noticed brown smudges where my feet had been. Not thinking about the poop I ran my finger over it because it looked like it could�ve been a stain. I then smelled my finger (I know, gross) and it was indeed poop. The assistant came back with a cloth and cleaner and I told her I was sorry and offered to clean it up, but she said that it was okay. So I went in the restroom and washed my hands (and shoes) and when I came out I told her that I was sorry again and she just laughed and said it was okay. Dr N asked if I was giving her a hard time and I gave him the short version of what happened and he laughed. I�m SO embarrassed; I WILL be checking my shoes before I go in on Thursday! And to think I must've had my poop shoes on at work too! Gah!

Reading: Lucky by Alice Sebold
Listening To: Hubby playing that damn hockey game on the X box

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